Saturday was the perfect day to celebrate at Grace Rocky Hill Lutheran Church for Vacation Bible School!!!! The weather was warm and sunny, and not too hot as it was hosted from 9-1. We really had a great turnout! The children really had a blast with all the games, activities and learning times. Our special lesson for the kids was about how to Shine God's Light! We also learned about the story of the blind man and how Jesus healed him! We had our wonderful Sunday School teachers, Betsy, Gina, and Traci on hand and also many volunteers from the church. We are blessed to have them every Sunday to take the children downstairs for Sunday School during our normal worship time at 9:30. Everyone helping out did a fabulous job and kept things aimed at the age group they had. There are too many people to mention, but we couldn't have pulled off the day without all their hard work. Many church members put in a lot of time just planning and getting things ready as well. Special thanks to Pastor Narveson for all his hard work too. The kids got to do many fun activites such as treasure hunts, painting, making a mini lighthouse, and races to name a few. The kids also worked together to make a bean soup mix and bag it up to be delivered to the Walkersville Food Bank. This was a great way to help out some local people. We even had some bean soup for lunch too, and it was really good! We can't wait till VBS next year at Grace Rocky Hill!!!!
Welcome to Grace Rocky Hill's Blog! This blog was started in September 2011 and here we will share photos from some of the events and causes our church is involved with! Please join in and share in the comments below each post! If you are new, please visit the "Welcome!" post which can be found in the blog archive at the bottom of the page under January in 2008. Anyone who has photos, please contact us. We would love to have them!